Dans le cadre du Séminaire “Manuscrits en Méditerranée” (IRHT, Section grecque et Orient chrétien), Sergey Minov (post-doctorant Labex RESMED de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne) présentera sa recherche sur “The Syriac Story of the Priest Paul and his Debate with Satan : A New Source on Religious Conflict in Late Antique Syria-Palestine).
Le jeudi 27 février, 13h-15h. IRHT, Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers), Bâtiment Recherche Nord, 2e étage, salle 2.001.
Résumé : In my presentation I would like to introduce an unpublished hagiographical work entitled Story of the Priest Paul and His Debate with Satan, attested so far only in Syriac, and derived from it Arabic and Geez translations. This composition presents an account of a conflict over the practice of mixed bathing between the Christian priest Paul and the community of “Herodians,” known from the New Testament, that takes place in one of the villages of Samaria. The main purpose of the narrative, apparently, is to condemn the well-known Roman practice of communal bathing, when men and women would attend public baths together. I am going to discuss the textual tradition of the Story, address the problems related to establishing its original language and date of composition, as well as offer some preliminary thoughts on its possible milieu and purpose.