Date and time: Sat 29th Jun 2024, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm CEST
8am (US West Coast); 11am (US East Coast); 4pm (UK); 5pm (Western Europe); 1am, 30 June (Australian East Coast)
Online Event: A Zoom link will be provided closer to the date.
The colloquium will focus on the following recent studies, which recover and reconstruct Diocletianic and Maxentian legislation on the legal status of Christians, including the Tetrarchic persecution, and the toleration granted by Maxentius:
Three imperial constitutions contained in several Greek manuscript traditions coming from twelve Byzantine and post-Byzantine Codices, which date back to a period from the 9th to the 17th centuries (Biblioteca Digital Hispánica; Bibliothèque National de France; Monastery of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai-Egypt; Monastery Vatopaidi-Monte Athos; Biblioteca Marciana- Venezia), have been carefully analyzed from a legal-historical, legal-philological and historical-critical point of view.
The project started in November 2020 thanks to a short reference to Maxentius’ edicts from Elpidio Mioni’s Catalogue (Codices Graeci Manuscripti from Marciana Library in Venice) referred to in project Pinakes (IRHT), which allowed researchers to find all the documents and start an interdisciplinary investigation that is still ongoing.
The project has been directed by Diego Serra (URJC Madrid, Colaborador Honorífico, Área Derecho Romano; student of Diploma de Experto en Bizantinística, Universities of Alcalá and UC Madrid; Member of Sociedad Española de Bizantinística; Pinakes collaborator volunteer).
Serra, D., M. Cecini, F. M. Serra & A. Podda. 2021: El rescriptum del emperador Majencio sobre Lucilla de Cartago en vísperas del cisma donatista, Antigüedad y Cristianismo 38, 85–113.
Serra, D., F. M. Serra, M. Cecini & A. Podda. 2021: Marcianus Gr. II, 145 (1238 F. 1R): Nota preliminare a due inedite epistulae dell’imperatore Massenzio nel quadro dei rapporti tra Cristianesimo e Impero. Riflessioni sulla cronologia del primo editto di tolleranza. Anejos de Antigüedad y Cristianismo 8, Murcia.
Serra, D. & M. Cecini. 2022: El Senatoconsulto y el edicto de Diocleciano y Maximiano contra Christianos y el edicto abrogativo de Majencio: BHG 1576, BNF Grec. 1470, ff. 120v-121r. Antigüedad y Cristianismo 10, Universidad de Murcia.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
dserra (19 avril 2024). Diocletian, Maxentius and the legal status of Christianity: An interdisciplinary dialogue on rediscovered Tetrarchic and Maxentian legislation. Manuscrits en Méditerranée. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse